Holy trinity episcopal academy

Mr. Parker

LS Athletic Director, Fifth and Sixth Teacher
Teaches: 5th Grade Math and Science; 6th Grade Reading, Social Studies and English
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Master’s degree in Reading Education from University of Central Florida
Length of time teaching: 17 years
Length of time at HT: 10 years
What do you most want your students to learn in your class?
I want my students to become lifelong learners and to enjoy the challenges of learning new things.

Who has had the most influence on your career?
Teachers have had the most influence over me – teachers that I have had and teachers that I have worked with.

What do you hope students learn from having known you?
I want students to know that I have their best interest in mind, and that I am there to support them.

How do you “recharge” your battery as an educator?
To stay charged I continue to learn new and exciting things to share with my students.

What has been your most memorable moment as a teacher?
 The most memorable moments I have had as a teacher have been helping children succeed when things aren't as easy for them. I also would say that when your former students recognize and remember you years after having taught them.
Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.723.2553

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.241.6422
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