Holy trinity episcopal academy

Mrs. Cacciatore

Second Grade
Education: Bachelor of Science Elementary Education from University of Central Florida
Length of time teaching: 12 years
Length of time at HT: 6 years teaching; 12 years in Admissions
How do you inspire students to enjoy learning?
My hope is that my students always see me enthusiastic and genuine while I am teaching. So starting each day with a smile and a warm hello forms the bond/connection to begin a full day of learning. Students learn differently and I want to find ways to bring the lessons alive by incorporating activity-based lessons, whether it be in reading, math, English, science, writing, etc. I think the other piece of this is to authentically recognize in each student his/her gains no matter how big or small. Consistently acknowledging a student’s efforts reinforces the learning process and I feel a student’s desire to keep learning.
What is the most important life lesson you want a child to learn in your classroom?
We are one! While students are in my classroom, we are a family so we look out for one another. Moreover, this mindset should extend beyond the classroom walls. By creating a warm and caring environment, students will feel confident to share their many different gifts.
What do you want your students to take away from being in your class?
I would hope that they would feel more confident and thus they would take chances/risks knowing that there is always the opportunity to learn in all that they do. Part of a successful classroom is creating an atmosphere of care and compassion. These are traits that I would want my students to take with them in their day-to-day activities.
How do you stay inspired or “recharge your battery” as an educator?
I find the best ways to “recharge my battery” are to attend conferences or workshops and to connect with other teachers from other schools. When attending conferences and workshops, I leave the conferences/workshops with a new level of excitement. I believe when my students see me excited and passionate about learning, they, too, become excited about learning.
What do you love about teaching? And/or teaching at HT?
As a teacher, I have the opportunity to be a positive influence on a student’s day and how he/she sees himself/herself. Students at Holy Trinity are very receptive and impressionable. By being an encouraging role model, I feel I can help them to want to do their best. Finally, teaching at Holy Trinity affords me the chance to be creative while challenging with my lessons that I bring to my classroom.
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1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.723.2553

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.241.6422
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