We’re so glad you’re a part of our Holy Trinity community. You may have been a part of an Episcopal school before, but for some of you, this is your first time in this kind of setting. It’s helpful to ask, “What is an Episcopal school?”

To put it simply: we are a school rooted in the Episcopal tradition. The Episcopal Church is a part of the global Anglican Communion. Our roots go back all the way to the earliest Christians. During the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation came to England and the Anglican Church was formed. One of the first things these reformers did was to put an emphasis on education, reason, and training up leaders for the next generation. Our Anglican heritage has always placed a high emphasis on the value of education, critical thinking, character building, and spiritual formation.

Episcopal schools find their home in this rich Christian tradition. However, Episcopal schools are also open to students of all faiths or no faith at all. Our goal is that all students, regardless of religion, race, gender, or socioeconomic background are welcome at our school.

One of the primary focuses in Episcopal schools is on the spiritual life of the students, teachers, and families in the school. We desire to be a place where we worship together, where we read the Scriptures together, pray together, receive Holy Communion together, and serve together. There are seven things that mark Episcopal schools as unique:

  1. Students attend chapel. We have chapel three times per week. This time of worship, prayer, and instruction is vital to our communal life and spiritual formation.
  2. We have a strong relationship with the Diocese of Central Florida. The school has a long-standing, strong relationship with the diocese at large. Local priests come and help out with chapels, the Bishop of Central Florida is on the Board of Trustees, and our leadership meets regularly with the leadership of other Episcopal schools in Central Florida.
  3. Pastoral care is done daily. As the chaplain, my goal is to be available to students whenever they need to talk. Student stress is an epidemic in our nation today, and more and more students need people in their world that they can talk with. I’ve talked with students about things ranging from depression or family illness to a recent painful breakup.
  4. Community Service. All of our students are involved in serving the community. Students must complete 100 community service hours in order to graduate.
  5. Strong Academic Reputation. Academics are one of our strongest attributes here at Holy Trinity. We believe in equipping students to be successful leaders in the world.
  6. Diverse and Inclusive. We have a very diverse student body. We welcome all students, regardless of faith, gender, race, or sexual orientation, to be a part of our community and family.
  7. Students, faculty, and leadership are free to talk about God. We believe that the ultimate questions about the world, reality, meaning, and existence all have religious foundations to them and we want our school to be a place where those questions are free to be discussed. Students are free to pursue truth and ask any questions they want, even some of the hardest ones!