Holy trinity episcopal academy

Mr. Angotti

Upper School Science
Education: B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Maine
Length of time teaching: 29 years

Holy Trinity’s tagline is: “Start Here. Go Anywhere.” How do you envision helping students to live this motto?
I want to encourage students to search for truth, strive for excellence, and to serve others by modeling this behavior and giving them guidance.

How do you measure your success as an educator?
I ask myself the question "Have I made a difference in this student’s life?"

What is the best compliment you’ve ever received or could receive as a teacher?
I recently had the opportunity to reconnect with several former students that I taught in 1996-1998 at an event at Kennedy Space Center. I had not seen any of them in over 20 years. Most of them went on to pursue careers in STEM fields. They wanted to reconnect to thank me for taking the time to teach them and to lead the “Space Exploration Club” that I started at our school.

What has been your most memorable teaching moment?
I used to organize and run an engineering design tournament as part of my physics class. Students would design, build, and test a remote-controlled vehicle that would compete in a single elimination tournament at the end of the school year. The tournament became so popular that most of the school would come and watch. After a few years, physics became one of the most popular classes in the entire school!

If teaching was not your first professional career, what was?
Before I became a teacher, I worked as an engineer in a paper mill in Maine.

If you were not teaching, what would you be doing?
I served as a bi-vocational pastor for 20 years. If I wasn’t teaching, I would most likely become a full-time pastor.
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1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.723.2553

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.241.6422
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