Holy trinity episcopal academy

HT on the Cover of Spacecoast Living!

Four HT seniors grace the cover of Spacecoast Living magazine and are among 12 graduates who are featured in a five-page article.
Holy Trinity is on the cover of May’s SpaceCoast Living! Thanks to a generous donation to the Holy Trinity Fund that was specifically earmarked for marketing, we have been able to purchase the cover of the May graduation issue of SpaceCoast Living magazine! Four outstanding Holy Trinity seniors grace the cover of the magazine and are among 12 graduates who are featured in a five-page article. Be on the lookout for your next issue coming early May!

Check out the article: http://spacecoastliving.com/springboard-to-the-future/

Do you own a business or medical practice? Please help us spread the word about our school by placing some Holy Trinity magazines in your lobby. If your child goes to dance, karate or other lessons where families gather, please consider bringing some magazines with you. Stop by either school office or email Advancement@htes.org and we will deliver them to your place of business

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422