Holy trinity episcopal academy

Seniors Earn Dual-Enrollment Credit in New Entrepreneurship Course

Striving to increase opportunities for project-based learning, last year, Holy Trinity introduced a new semester-long class to seniors, Principles in Entrepreneurship.
This year, HT took the class to a new level by partnering with Florida Institute of Technology to offer dual-enrollment credit (3 credit hours) for the course.

The new class, called “Foundations in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” is taught by Dr. Beth Gitlin, a Florida Tech adjunct professor, and principal and founder of BJG Global Consulting. Dr. Gitlin has taught a variety of business and marketing classes at Florida Tech’s Nathan Bisk College of Business since 2010.  Fourteen Holy Trinity seniors are currently enrolled in the class, which is held in the school’s IDEAS Center.

During the course of the year, students will explore all functions related to business creation and growth, and will be introduced to principles, vocabulary, and techniques necessary to start a new business and/or launch a new business idea in an existing business. The course will combine both theory and practice, with emphasis on hands-on activities, drawing upon a variety of concepts from all business disciplines. The students will also use the design thinking process to identify solutions for a school-based project, similar to what the Class of 2019 Entrepreneurship Class did with improvements to the Tiger Cafe and school lunch program.  In November, the students will partner with Florida Tech students to develop a product or solution that incorporates Raspberry Pi technology, with a competition involving judges from local industry and cash prizes.
Objectives of the class are to:
  • Introduce students to a variety of analytical models and critical thinking skills to serve as a foundation for success in all future Florida Tech courses and their professional career.
  • Encourage students to set personal and professional goals and help students take ownership of the learning process.
  • Understand the importance and value of creativity and innovation in their personal and professional lives and provide the opportunity to learn and practice these concepts through experiential activities.
  • Provide numerous opportunities to practice and improve written and oral communication skills.
  • To learn and use new technologies in support of the course objectives.
  • Learn to successfully be a member of, contribute to, and manage a team.
  • Conduct a self-assessment of talents, strengths, and passions and develop a Personal Innovation Plan.  
Among the texts studied in the class are: “Think Like a Freak” by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner;  “Problem Solving 101” by Ken Watanabe;  “Who Moved My Cheese” by Dr. Spencer Johnson; and “A Whack on the Side of the Head” by Roger von Oech.

Students are also encouraged to read news sources such as Fast Company, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Business Week and The Economist to relate textbook material and class discussions to current events.  Guest speakers from the community include Dr. Tim Muth, Florida Tech Business School; Kyle Graham, owner of Millefiori Medical Skin Rejuvenation; and Josh Adams from Rock Paper Simple.

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