Holy trinity episcopal academy

Upper School Return to Campus

Thank you for the input you provided in our most recent survey. We appreciate your continued support, patience, and understanding over the last several weeks as we have worked diligently to finalize our plans for the upcoming school year. 
The Holy Trinity leadership team has been keeping abreast of CDC and government guidelines and consulting with experts from many different arenas to ensure that our plans prioritize student health and safety.  We are confident we will continue to be able to deliver the top-notch education our families have come to expect from us.
The conversations surrounding these decisions have been surreal, to say the least. While our community remains strong and resilient, we are all experiencing a type of trauma that is personal and unique to our own circumstances. But the most common and important thread among us remains the prioritization of our students and their future. As such, these scenarios are rooted in our mission and core values, always putting our students at the center of the conversation.
Having these scenarios firmly in place today ensures that we can efficiently and confidently navigate the next few critical months. Furthermore, once the fall term begins, should we find ourselves needing to pivot to our second or third scenario, we will be ready. We will always place extraordinary value on the health and safety of our students, teachers, and parents. At the same time, it is our continued hope that the fall semester brings us back together on campus, to fully experience the vibrancy of our mutual company and enjoy our beautiful campus to its fullest capacity.
This Return to Campus Plan outlines how HTEA is planning for a safe return to campus for the fall semester. While some of these plans may be adjusted as health and safety information emerges later this summer, most elements of this plan, including our academic calendar, are structured in a way to be flexible to adapt to changing guidelines or mandates from the state of Florida or the CDC.
Academic Calendar:
At this time, our plan is to return to campus in August and to support student and faculty health and safety while doing so. Therefore, we have revised our first semester calendar to begin school on August 5 and finish the semester December 11. 
This change to the 2020-2021 academic calendar follows the conclusions of many other collegiate and secondary educational institutions around the country who will be engaging in remote learning after Thanksgiving in order to lessen the chance of contagion following holiday travel. We recognize that this may impact some family’s late July travel plans and we will work with individual students and families to accommodate those who are not able to start on the new date.   
We have modified the calendar to include monthly remote learning days, as well as off-site instruction and culminating projects or assessments to end the fall semester. Our faculty will be structuring courses in a way to create consistency and communication with students and parents that will be flexible to changing circumstances, whether on campus or off site.  
The HTEA spring semester start date is planned for January 5, 2021, but we will be continuously evaluating the spring calendar to ensure a continued focus on face-to-face instruction in a safe and healthy environment.
Daily Schedule:
Our Upper School daily schedule will be modified to include increased passing time between classes to control traffic flow and allow for increased sanitization of classroom spaces.  We will now end our school day at 3:10 p.m.  We will be sharing more information at orientation about the daily schedule, which will include our standard instructional time, as well as chapel and assemblies, lunch, teacher office hours and time for extracurricular activities. Large group time, including chapel and lunch, will be split to decrease volume in enclosed spaces.
Other Information:
The HTEA Return to Campus Plan also includes information about specific upgrades to our facilities that will enhance health and safety, including sanitizing stations, ultraviolet filtration systems for air conditioning units, and enhanced protocols for cleaning high-touch surfaces during the school day. A comprehensive evaluation of campus facilities will allow us to maximize use of spaces to allow for physical distancing when feasible. Technology upgrades that benefit both faculty and students will support learning on campus and off site.
As we continue to fine-tune our plans over the next several weeks, we welcome your questions and comments to assist your family in planning for the fall semester. While this is an evolving situation, we believe that Holy Trinity is preparing for multiple scenarios in a way that will provide a high-quality, whole child educational experience throughout the 2020-21 school year.  
Melissa W. Euziere
Head of Junior High
321-723-8323, ext. 305
Cyndi Buist
Head of Senior High
321-723-8323, ext. 360

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422