Holy trinity episcopal academy

Senior Grenevicki is a Contender for State Recognition as HT's DAR Good Citizen

Senior Anna Grenevicki was selected by the Holy Trinity faculty as this year’s DAR Good Citizen for qualities of good citizenship, dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism.
With this selection, Anna went on to compete in the DAR essay contest. We are thrilled to announce that she was selected as The Abigail Wright Chamberlin Chapter winner and her essay will move on to the Florida State DAR Good Citizen Committee for a chance to be the FL State Society DAR Good Citizen. Congratulations Anna!

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422