Holy trinity episcopal academy

Curtis Rising Star Science Challenge

The Curtis Rising Star Science Challenge took place at the Orlando Science Center last Saturday, Feb. 3.
Teachers, Mrs. Desai and Mrs. Morgan, along with coaches, Mrs. Boyles and Mrs. Flammio, took two teams of HT second graders to the science challenge. It was an action-packed day, with each team solving four challenges within a 30-minute period for each subject.

The subjects included:
Sound Engineering: Create a Musical Instrument
Structural Engineering: Windproof Building
Mechanical Engineering: Build a Trampoline
Materials Engineering: Create Bubbles

The emphasis of the challenge was teamwork  listening to each other and using each other’s creativity. The teams had to use both the scientific method and the engineering design process.

Five schools were represented at this event, each with multiple teams. Only two awards were given out in this age group (grades 1-2). Holy Trinity’s Team B took home “The Most Innovative Award!"

Team A:
Deklan Boyles
Kye Gillin
Preston Kennedy
Quinn Kramer
Naya Shah

Team B:
Amir Bazelais
Sophia Flammio
Sophia Kwader
Greyson Steele
Rowan Stoldt

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422