Holy trinity episcopal academy

Spanish Forum

Last weekend a group of 16 Spanish students competed in the Florida State Spanish Conference 2018 (The Spanish Forum). With 48 schools from all over Florida participating, our students proudly and extraordinarily represented Holy Trinity, placing second overall!
The Holy Trinity Team earned 23 top scores of "Sobresaliente" (Outstanding, the highest ranking) on their impromptu presentations, poems and a remarkable play (written by the team). These high scores combined to earn our team an overall second place finish in the competition, bringing home our second trophy for this event.

Members of the team were:
Kai Bartolone
Francesca Catena
Nidhi Chary
Rea Cho
Ellen Choi
Soy Choi
Hari Dandapani
Anjani Epasinghe
Seneka Epasinghe
Andrea Jara
Ashvi Luthra
Neal Luthra
Max Pagan
Heather Motro
Jenna Panarese
Karen Roque

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422
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