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Holy trinity episcopal academy
Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Head of School Goals

Year 1 Priorities for Incoming Head of School Elizabeth Miller

The first year for any Head of School is a true introduction to the school, its culture, its community, and its aspirations. As the new Head of School, Elizabeth Miller has made developing relationships within the Holy Trinity school community and Brevard community her highest priority.  Concurrently, Mrs. Miller will immerse herself in the operations, traditions, and strategic priorities of Holy Trinity.  The overarching goal of Mrs. Miller’s first year is to accelerate Holy Trinity’s trajectory and reinforce its reputation as “one of the premier independent schools in the State of Florida for the future.”

The priorities outlined below are informed by the Holy Trinity Strategic Plan 2022-2027 as well as the months of helpful conversation with the Board and its Search Committee from December 2022 to present.  This document synthesizes both hopes and expectations for Mrs. Miller’s first year.

Ratings: There are 5 ratings at year’s end that will be assigned to each of the 9 goals. 5 is Top Performer, 4 is Excellent performer, 3 is Meets Expectations, 2 is Needs Improvement and 1 is Does not meet Expectations. Another option for the Board of Trustees can be to rate “unable to measure” in the total summary; however, we should choose such a measure as the exception. Mrs. Miller is committed in pursuing measures of effectiveness across the 9 goals.

1. Furthers the mission, vision, and core values of HTEA.

Achieve progress toward “solidifying Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy’s mission and reputation as the leading preschool-12th grade educational institution in Brevard County and one of the premier independent schools in the state of Florida for the future.” 

To accomplish this community priority, Mrs. Miller will:

  • Document and provide evidence of the living of both Holy Trinity’s mission and strategic plan, particularly through speeches, letters, and social media.
  • Actively participate in FCIS, NAES, CFES and NAIS offerings while advising Trustees on workshops to enhance Board governance
  • Review and enrich internal and external marketing & communications to broaden the reach of Holy Trinity with a goal to re-connect specific Holy Trinity alumni.
  • Ensure that the school’s database becomes functional and richly detailed to provide foundation for future friend-raising and fund-raising initiatives.
  • Establish goals and steps of advancement through weekly Executive Leadership meetings and monthly through Board in-person reviews that promote the ultimate creation of the IDEAS Institute by actively planning and fundraising.  

2. Works cooperatively with the Board of Trustees and keeps the Board appropriately informed about relevant issues.

To accomplish this leadership priority, Mrs. Miller will:

  • Strive to ensure no surprises to the Board of Trustees. Proactively alert the Executive Committee in advance of the monthly status when issues arise which require remediation as appropriate.
  • Provide timely monthly reporting as Head of School updates to the Board, emphasizing performance measures and or potential risk elements facing the school.
  • Support collaborative communications channels through HTEA Staff and Leadership in providing inputs to the Board for status of critical project status.
  • Seek to include comprehensive summary on progress towards achieving the school’s recently adopted five year strategic plan and monitor its effectiveness to achieve desired outcomes.

3. Takes appropriate action relevant to the development, implementation, and consistent enforcement of policy.

To accomplish this governance priority, Mrs. Miller will:
  • Conduct review of current policies across school domain with emphasis on evaluation of risk management and HTEA’s ability to deliver value and safety to all stakeholders.
  • Provide feedback to leadership, faculty and staff where current policies could be strengthened. Formalize a comprehensive review process to improve ongoing risk management of HTEA.
  • Work closely with the Governance Committee to review and update board policies, providing appropriate input to ensure consistency and or improved alignment with operational policies.   

4. Maintains positive relations with both the HTEA community and community at large while being a visible and welcoming Leader.

  • To accomplish this relationship priority, Mrs. Miller will:
    Meet all constituencies.
  • Enthusiastically attend games, performances, and school events
  • Develop strong working relationships with trustees both individually and collectively.
  • Improve communication, collaboration, and collegiality of the Leadership Team that represents all functional areas of the school.
  • Engage parent community with increased visibility.
  • Connect with Brevard County non-profit, governmental, and business organizations.
  • Honor Holy Trinity’s Episcopal identity and maintain healthy individual relationships with Vestry members while increasing interaction between Holy Trinity Church and school.
  • Routinely invite the Rectors and Vestry members to major school events.

5. Understand and champion “unrivaled educational experiences and enrichment opportunities”.

To accomplish this ambassador priority, Mrs. Miller will:
  • Engage with all athletic coaches and co-curricular moderators.
  • Shadow and /or chaperone as many school trips as practical to witness first-hand the inspiring teachers and coaches who serve as mentor to the HT students.
  • Become well versed to serve as Storyteller-In-Chief for Holy Trinity.

6. Deals effectively and fairly with constituents-students, parents, faculty and staff-including those who are not a “good fit” for HTEA.

To accomplish this leadership priority, Mrs. Miller will:
  • Proactively reach out to students, parents, faculty and staff to ensure shared understanding of progress or concerns by not tolerating unethical behavior and by establishing high standards of conduct per the student handbook.
  • Overseeing the disciplinary program for the school, including serving as final authority for disciplinary action related to any student, employee or parent concerns, including those of culture fit.

7. Exercise prudent control of HTEA finances.

To accomplish delivering predictable results priority, Mrs. Miller will:

  • Ensure the financial results are supported through sound foundation of operational performance that positions the school for both near-term and long-term viability to include growth.
  • Examine leadership, faculty and staff compensation and benefits to ensure all are competitive and administered equitably.
  • Ensure all requirements are met to maintain the school’s accreditation and tax-exempt status.
  • Ensure HTEA successfully passes all audits.

8. Attracts, develops, and retains qualified personnel through succession planning.

To accomplish this people priority, Mrs. Miller will:
  • Provide appropriate and sufficient professional development for leadership, faculty and staff in order to maintain relevant teaching methodologies and pedagogies to include use of technology to address a variety of learning styles.
  • Develop a systematic approach to identifying, developing and retaining employees in line with current and projected business objectives.
  • Identify appropriate budget for professional development for 2024-2025.
  • Have leadership and faculty develop their own professional goals and objectives.
  • Make professional development recommendations to faculty to support improvement in teaching and classroom management.
  • Is a role model for diversity and inclusion by seeking out and including diverse opinions and perspectives.

9. Efficiently administers the day-to-day academic and administrative operations of HTEA.

To accomplish this decision-making priority, Mrs. Miller will:
  • Identify and implement ways to streamline operational processes and workflow efficiencies.
  • Ensure that decision-making authority is clearly defined and controls are established in the organization.
  • Develop technology plan to include training and infrastructure maintenance and growth.
  • Improve ‘connectivity’ with the Lower School in striving for a one school synergetic culture. This to be done in conjunction with Board that proactively communicates the Trustees commitment/vision of maintaining the Lower School as a separate (and equal) campus.
  • Identify funding to support technology plan while pursuing assessment of usage impact in utilization of technology tools.
Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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