Holy trinity episcopal academy

Welcome to Quarter 4!

It may look and feel a bit different, but we are confident that we can continue to deliver the high level quality of academics and personal interaction that you have come to expect from HT.
Although things in our country are unsettled and uncertain right now, the structure of school can bring continuity and a rhythm to the days ahead that will be reassuring to your child(ren).   
Beginning on Monday, you and your child(ren) are going to start receiving communication from their teachers about what each online class your child is enrolled in will look like. This communication will include where assignments will be found, what the week will look like in terms of assignment completion, and how assignments will be submitted for grading. Teachers will be communicating at least twice a week and will hold daily online office hours.Online education will be most successful if teachers, students and parents are working together.We will need you as parents to partner with us for the following:
  • Set the expectation that this is school and develop a home structure for how, where and when schoolwork will be completed. We recommend designating a space in the house where schoolwork can be completed.This ought to be a space you can easily monitor, as you are likely already in the habit of doing.  
  • Read initial communication from the teachers with your child(ren) so you understand expectations. Use those communications to help create a daily schedule for your child(ren). A schedule and daily consistency are critical to success with online learning.
  • Be sure your child responds to the initial academic activity that will be posted by each teacher and is due by noon on Thursday, March 26. 
  • Help us with daily engagement by following the instructions from each teacher. Completing activities, responding to questions and submitting assignments is how teachers will be monitoring attendance in their courses.   
  • Teachers will be communicating their process for grades during the period of online instruction. Please review that information with your child(ren) and continue to monitor grades and assignments in onCampus as they are posted.   
  • Your child(ren)’s adviser(s) will also be sending out a communication reminding you of their role in this new process. Please know that all school administrators and staff that were available when we were on campus are still available to you and your child(ren) virtually.   
  • If you are having trouble accessing onCampus or completing the required work, please reach out to the teachers, advisers, or IT helpdesk for assistance.  
Finally, a reminder that this is new territory for all of us - teachers, students, and families. We appreciate and will need your feedback along the way. We are fully committed to making this work, and work well.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422