Holy trinity episcopal academy

Important COVID-19 Update

We hope that you and your families are safely spending time with one another during our campus closures.
We continue to be impressed with the creativity and engagement of our faculty and our students; many of you have shared positive experiences with our HTEA remote teaching and learning process.

As you know, the cases of COVID-19 have risen in Brevard County. In the interest of transparency, we are writing to share some information with you regarding a secondary exposure within our community. We learned today that a Lower School parent has recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Due to health information privacy laws, we are unable to release the name of the parent. Neither the student nor any member of the student’s immediate family has visited either of our campuses since March 12, nor is the student or any immediate family member (other than the one parent) experiencing symptoms at this time.

This parent advised they became symptomatic for the first time on Saturday, March 14. After a visit to their physician, the entire family went into quarantine that day. The parent was tested on March 19 and received positive results today, March 30. This family has assured us they will continue to self-isolate/quarantine for two more weeks, per the direction from the Department of Health. While our campuses are closed, cleaning crews continue to disinfect both campuses, including classrooms, offices, desks, chairs, counters, doors, door handles, playground equipment, and restrooms.

In sharing this information with you, we continue to encourage all parents, students, faculty, and staff to protect one another and the wider community by adhering to social distancing and following the safety protocols promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control to limit potential exposure and spread. Please continue to monitor your children and family and seek medical attention if any signs of illness develop.

During these unprecedented times, our focus remains on the health and well-being of Holy Trinity’s students, families, faculty, and staff. We greatly appreciate your partnership as we all work together to ensure the safety of our community.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy

Ranked #1 Best Private K-12 School in Brevard County

Schoolwide Phone:
Fax - Lower School: 321-723-2553
Fax - Upper School: 321-241-6422